We’re a specialized marketing and joint-promotions agency, with an expert team that produces incisive original video and print content
Brent Stafford is Shaky Egg CEO & the founder / executive producer at RegulatorWatch.com
Contact: brent.stafford@shakyegg.com
or 778.896.7794 - view LinkedIn Profile
Brent Stafford is a prolific digital media entrepreneur, marketer and content creator, spanning a 30-year career, which began in broadcast television news. He is the founder and executive producer at RegulatorWatch.com a national news website dedicated to covering the issues and impacts of regulation in Canada and the U.S.
As S.V.P. Business Development at VideoClix, Stafford was directly responsible for building the business model & value propositions for the emerging clickable-video technology. He pitched and closed MTV Networks, ESPN and Dailymotion; establishing VideoClix as their official clickable video vendor.
Stafford also has extensive experience creating and executing innovative marketing campaigns and joint-promotions. He's worked with over 50 tier-one brands on strategies and tactical programs which leverage the power of entertainment properties and brand assets to build consumer engagement and drive sales. He has created national & global joint-marketing campaigns and intellectual property agreements with companies such as Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, Wal*Mart, Electronic Arts, New Line Cinema, Disney, NASCAR, Super Bowl, GRAMMYS and Lucas Films to name a few.
Stafford negotiated & executed the largest brand partnership for Disney’s "The Incredibles" with P&G and negotiated & executed a 4 country Pringles joint-promotion with "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King". He also delivered to P&G the Star Wars franchise for a 16 country theatrical deal in Europe.
He is also a nationally recognized expert on video games, delivering a $2MM anchor brand partnership to Comcast for the launch of the G4Tech-TV cable channel, and he's a prominent television commentator and political columnist.
Stafford holds a Masters Degree in Communications from Simon Fraser University.