Working under a consulting contract with Alliance New York (WPP), Brent Stafford pitched and secured Pringles (P&G) as a multi-year retained account. Stafford built over 11 national promotions and partnerships in the U.S., Canada and Western Europe and executed numerous retail customizations working directly with P&G customer teams at Wal*Mart, Safeway, Target, Albertsons and Toys ‘R’ Us.
Featured Partnerships & Promotions created: Lord of the Rings Return of the King, Hasbro Trivial Pursuit, The Incredibles, DAYTONA 500, Star Wars, G4 TV, Guinness Book of World Records.
Services Provided to Pringles
- Create and develop partnership and promotion strategy
- Identify tier-one partners
- Create promotions (copy, mechanisms, prizing, retail customizations)
- Negotiate terms and deliverables w/partner
- Write joint promotion contracts (in consult with P&G legal)
- Manage daily execution (assets, approvals, partner relationship)
- Liaison brand agency partners with promotion partners
- Account management
Check out the promotion

- This section explores the numerous partnerships and promotions created for the Pringles brand (P&G) by Brent Stafford & Michael Malone
- Television spots created and produced by Grey Worldwide
- Public Relations by Porter Novelli
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Pringles® is a registered trademark of The Procter & Gamble Company.
Project executed under a consulting contract between Shaky Egg Communications Inc. and GREY Alliance.