Brent Stafford with Jodie Emery and Randene Neill live on Unfiltered (Global BC1)
Transit plebiscite – a new Insights West poll says the “no” side still ahead in the transit vote, but a new study from the CD Howe Institute says a “no” vote will cost the city $500 – $1.2 billion annually
Doctors Suspended – a contract dispute between Vancouver Island’s front line doctors and VIHA has intensified. The doctors have been working without a guarantee of payment and now the health authority has suspended 3 of the doctor’s leaders.
Craft Beer – water consumption is up in the city of Vancouver – and city officials are asking the craft brewery industry to conserve and use less water in their beer
Cuddle parties are gaining popularity in metro Vancouver – 7 are planned for the month of March – why does this make people so uncomfortable?