Brent Stafford with Mike Klassen and Samantha Falk live on Unfiltered (Global BC1)
It’s 420 today!! Hooray, let’s all go out and break the law, while the police watch mind you. Regardless of whether or not you think it’s harmless, it is still illegal, should there really be a day celebrating breaking the law?
Violence in Surrey, another shooting, but weeks after saying she won’t speak about it anymore, Mayor Linda Hepner is expected to be addressing the increase of violence in Surrey in the past few months.
Migrant crisis in Europe, overloaded boats continue to poor into Italy and spain, hundreds are dying, and even if they get there, most are being sent back? What needs to be done?
48 in 48 campaign starting today on Global. How do we get more people to sign up for organ donation? What are some of the hang ups people may have about it?