Brent Stafford with Chris Thompson and Randene Neill live on Unfiltered (Global BC1)
The Conservatives want to ban Canadian travel to areas controlled by terrorists. Is this a fundamental voilation of our human rights? Would it work?
VPD put out another warning about fentanyl after 15 OD’s yesterday alone – all heroin addicts. It’s believed most of the fentanyl- tainted drugs are coming here through Asia – and then being sent across the country. Doctors in Alberta and NS are also warning about fentanyl. Why is it suddenly so popular? Why are so many drugs being cut with it?
Polling companies are trying harder this election to make their predictions more accurate. Will online polls work better than phone polls?
A company is proposing to build a giant light maze down near olympic village this christmas. Neighbours have until next week to respond. Will it pass? If it doesn’t pass, is this another example of Vancouver’s NO FUN CITY?