Lost in the flurry of provincial vaping regulations, both real and threatened is an overlooked player that’s readying to flex its muscles—the federal government. The Liberals just started the clock ticking on a regulatory process guided by the recommendations of the ground-breaking HESA report “Vaping Towards a regulatory framework for e-cigarettes”.
Produced by the parliamentary Standing Committee on Health, the HESA report recommends a brand new regulatory framework for vaping. What that would look like is up for serious negotiation.
The ball is now in Health Canada’s court as it evaluates the report and prepares a comprehensive response for law-makers.
What are the recommendations in the HESA report? What are the key issues driving the negotiations between the vaping industry and health Canada? Find out in part one of our two-part special on the shift in focus to federal vaping regulations—only on RegWatch by RegulatorWatch.com.
Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released on June 25, 2016
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