Filter system would help parents protect their children
theQuestion: Should Canada implement a UK-style filter to protect children from pornography on the Internet?* Last week, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron sparked an important debate regarding children and the …
Leaker should face the music for violating his oath
theQuestion: Is Edward Snowden a whistleblower who deserves asylum in Russia or a traitor who should be tried and convicted in the U.S.?* This week Laila decided to not answer …
Oil needs demand safer way to transport it in Canada
theQuestion: In light of the Quebec disaster, should we transport more Canadian oil by railway or pipeline here in B.C.?* Does anyone still think transporting oil by train is a …
Police deserve a pat on the back instead of jabs from the media
theQuestion: Does foiling an alleged terror plot in Victoria justify Canada’s secret surveillance program?* With all due respect, Laila and her like-minded friends in the media are more than misguided …