theQuestion: Should the B.C. NDP be given a chance to govern?* Political campaigns are awash with the seductive promise of change. In the upcoming May 9 provincial election, B.C. voters …
Girl Guides teach dangerous lesson
theQuestion: Are Girl Guides of Canada wise to suspend trips to U.S.?* For resistance to manifest revolution, leaders prime the young with propaganda and pious notions of self-righteous virtue. Inculcating …
Thank Canada for Daylight Saving Time
theQuestion: Is it time to turf Daylight Saving Time?* Spring forward, fall back is more than a catchy reminder about which direction to adjust one’s clocks to comply with Daylight …
DNA genie is out of the bottle
theQuestion: Should insurance companies have a right to your DNA??* The left is awkwardly discordant when it comes to the practical uses of DNA in today’s society. No surprise, as …