theQuestion: Do you believe her? If you are a Conservative and believe as I do, that human beings are not born good and carry within themselves the capacity to do …
Trudeau has lost the plot on NAFTA
theQuestion: Is “post-nationalism” ruining NAFTA? It should come as no surprise the prime minister of this great nation is willing to scuttle a renegotiated NAFTA agreement over petty progressive politics …
Take your gun control and shove it
theQuestion: Wrong on gun control? If you are a firearms owner or plan to be one, then there is much for you to be concerned about regarding the ever-escalating political …
The Tyrant Isn’t Trump, It’s Trudeau
theQuestion: Who’s responsible for the NAFTA debacle? Justin displays a near-pathological reverence to the progressive-nihilism that is victimhood ideology, stoking division over race, gender, class, and sexual orientation. Plainly, Canada’s ‘first …