BC Liberals honest with Massey case

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theQuestion: Are the BC Liberals being straight with the public about the George Massey tunnel replacement project?*

Left-wing ideologues are grasping at straws. The harangue over supposed BC Liberal government secrecy and the call to restore access and faith in government is nothing short of a snow job. Dippers have no faith to restore and the last thing the BC NDP wants is for the BC Liberal government to take steps to shore up perceived vulnerabilities heading into an election year.

The outrage over the plan to decommission the George Massey tunnel and replace it with a bridge is hackneyed and hollow. It’s the opposition, not the government, that is obfuscating the issues to polarize the public.

It’s supercilious to believe that adding two lanes to an already jammed-packed tunnel would fix the congestion nightmare caused by this outdated infrastructure — which drivers have cursed for decades. The government estimates drivers lost 1.1 million hours to delay in 2014. By 2021, delays would increase to two million hours and in 2031 to 4.5 million hours per year. These delays take a toll on the economy, the environment and the lives of commuters. The tunnel is simply not a long-term solution.

The new bridge promises to save commuters 30 minutes of travel time a day with no rush-hour delays. Improved safety would provide a 35% reduction in collisions. A bridge also brings cycling and pedestrian access, in addition to better public transit. Lastly, the new bridge would significantly improve trade and commerce by increasing reliable access between Delta and Richmond.

So what’s the problem? There isn’t one, despite efforts to convince the public otherwise. Petr’s column this week exemplifies the approach — throw mud and see where it sticks. Petr argues tolls are bad — they would cost working families and crush businesses. Where is the proof of that? Less travel time and better reliability means saving money on gas and vehicle maintenance. That’s a boon for both workers and businesses.

Better public transit delivers a huge benefit to the environment and for working families looking to save. I have ridden the bus through the George Massey tunnel on my way to Delta many times — trust me, a bridge would be heaven.

The real issue here comes down to long-term infrastructure planning versus short-term political opportunism. The only thing the left cares about is getting elected in 2017. The BC Liberals are building for our province’s future.

*First published in 24hrs Vancouver ‘theDuel’

About the Author

Brent Stafford

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Political commentator, opinion columnist and veteran television producer. He is the founder and executive producer at RegulatorWatch.com and AftermathofMurder.com. Contact: brent.stafford@shakyegg.com or 778.896.7794

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