Insite repeats cycle of misery
theQuestion: Are safe injection sites like Insite in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside good public policy?* I have a lot of sympathy for injection drugs users. Addiction consumes mind, body and soul …
Canada right to fight ISIS
theQuestion: Bombs or blankets — what’s the best strategy for Canada’s involvement in the Middle East?* The 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was an unmitigated disaster. I was living down …
Vancouver sets damaging precedent
theQuestion: Is Vancouver City Council’s unanimous vote to become a living wage employer a slap in the face to taxpayers?* Where to begin? First, cleanse my discourse of any patronizing tone …
Mulcair’s flirtations damage his rep
theQuestion: Should voters trust NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair after learning he considered working for Stephen Harper and the Conservatives?* The headline was intoxicating and the details delicious. Thomas Mulcair, valiant …