Limited scope of loophole outweighed by Compass Card system’s benefits

Brent StaffordtheQ Leave a Comment

theQuestion: Does the latest Compass Card loophole undermine the value of the new system?*

It is hard to understand how reasonable people could believe it’s smart planning to maintain the current antiquated fare system governing the use of transit in Metro Vancouver. The new faregates and Compass Card are a dramatic improvement over the status quo, and the value goes far beyond the increased ability to tamp down on fare evasion.

It was widely reported last week that TransLink Compass Card beta testers found loopholes allowing bus riders to easily evade payment for multi-zone fares. Some media also reported a loophole whereby fare evaders could hop off SkyTrain, tap out of a station, and then return to the train to ride for free across additional zones. If you heard these reports let me correct the record — it’s a false loophole.

Under the faregate system, the only way to physically exit a SkyTrain station is to open an exit gate by tapping out. If you tap out and turn around to continue your trip, when the train reaches your destination, you will have to tap out again to open a gate and exit. The system will recognize you tapping out twice and charge you for the correct multi-zone fare. Media reports of this false loophole have done a huge disservice to the public and only promote unjustified acrimony towards TransLink.

Laila is correct in her column in regards to a loophole on the bus system. However, what Laila fails to mention is that it only affects a small number of bus routes crossing multiple zones. TransLink says 80% of all bus routes run through only one zone. The controversy is a tempest in a teapot and only furthers what has been a narrow debate regarding the value of the new TransLink fare system. We have to evaluate the costs of the new system by more than just the dollars saved through decreased fare evasion.

The convenience and efficiencies of the Compass Card are of huge value. The current hodgepodge of over 20 different fare products is reduced to a simple few. Balance protection allows pass holders to transfer paid fares from lost or stolen cards. Auto-load by credit card means you will never be without ready fare, and anonymous data collected with each trip allows TransLink to better direct services and plan for the future. I’m sure reasonable people can agree the Compass Card and faregates are an essential investment that has payoffs today and long into the future.

*First published in 24hrs Vancouver ‘theDuel’

About the Author

Brent Stafford

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Political commentator, opinion columnist and veteran television producer. He is the founder and executive producer at and Contact: or 778.896.7794

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