theQuestion: Should British Columbians turn left or stay right on Election Day?* It’s reprehensible to politicize the deaths of hard-drug users on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. My Duel colleague damns the …
‘Sneering’ socialism won’t get B.C. NDP elected
theQuestion: Should the NDP soften its tone to win over B.C. voters?* Socialist leaders in British Columbia come in two stripes — the meek and the sneering. During last week’s …
Unions buy political access in advance
theQuestion: Is it time to end campaign contributions and move to publicly funded elections?* Ordinarily, I loathe the topic of election campaign finance reform. Agitation for the elimination of corporate …
Don’t bank on the B.C. NDP
theQuestion: Should the B.C. NDP be given a chance to govern?* Political campaigns are awash with the seductive promise of change. In the upcoming May 9 provincial election, B.C. voters …