O’Leary right on global wealth inequality

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theQuestion: Should Canadians be leery of Kevin O’Leary?*

In a typical display of left-wing malice, my Duel colleague alludes to Conservative leadership hopeful Kevin O’Leary as a Nazi. He does so duplicitously.

Regarding Canada, Garth quotes O’Leary saying “we need a Trump guy” and then brands President Donald Trump’s inauguration speech as “Amerika Uber Alles.” It’s a direct reference to “Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Alles,” the first line in the German national anthem celebrated by the Nazis and banned after World War II.

Socialist-intellectuals delight in speaking code, but Garth’s message is clear — Trump is an authoritarian bully with “hard right ideas” and an America-first strategy which is in lock-step with Nazi Germany. O’Leary is a Trump look-a-like so expect the same.

Oh, and don’t forget O’Leary hates poor people and is a racist. Let the ridicule, slander and derision begin.

The truth is, Canadians have nothing to fear if Kevin O’Leary were to become Prime Minister. O’Leary represents nothing more than a return to ideals of wealth creation and sane government spending. I doubt any reader would contest a country cannot thrive if it spends more than it brings in. If its citizens are out of work or underemployed as a result of stunted economic growth, then the tax revenue which fuels government spending shrinks, leaving social programs starved of essential funding.

O’Leary is correct in his reaction to Oxfam’s 2014 report on global wealth inequality, saying “It’s fantastic, and this is a great thing because it inspires everybody.” Bravo.

O’Leary celebrates capitalism and rightly so. No other economic system in the history of the world has lifted more people out of poverty than democratic free-market capitalism. The incentives under capitalism to work harder and better one’s lot in life are indeed moral. Redistribution of wealth is not — taking by force what is one person’s and giving it to another. The inequality gap is a myth.

Garth is correct to point out O’Leary is no fan of unions. In 2011 on the CBC, O’Leary said “Unions themselves are borne of evil, they must be destroyed.” O’Leary is right to believe that unions squash market incentives, however I disagree that all forms of unions should be abolished. There is a place for private sector unions in our economy and a select few public sector unions — those in health and safety.

I welcome O’Leary to the Conservative leadership race. His brash, unapologetic support for capitalism provides a vital booster-shot to Canada’s economic immune system.

*First published in 24hrs Vancouver ‘theDuel’

About the Author

Brent Stafford

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Political commentator, opinion columnist and veteran television producer. He is the founder and executive producer at RegulatorWatch.com and AftermathofMurder.com. Contact: brent.stafford@shakyegg.com or 778.896.7794

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